Tuesday 20 December 2011

Megan and Charlotte Final Film and Trailers

Charlotte (sound designer)  Megan (Editor)

final film


Charlotte:  Trailer (sound designer)

Megan Trailer:  (editor)

Megan/Charlotte- I have not put your titles on here as you titles should an additional scene- not bits of footage from the rest of the film

Mark Scheme for Coursework

Monday 19 December 2011

Update - Mel

I am very happy with now my film is going at the moment. I need to film one or two more shots to fill in the blanks. I also need to fine tune the editing and add my voice overs and music. So far, i have about 4 minutes of footage but hopefully when i've added in the few extras and the film name it will be over 6 minutes. I think my hardest challenge in the next few weeks will be to think of a film name.

Thursday 24 November 2011

First scene for our final film!! - Megan and Charlotte

This footage is a little jumpy in parts of it but it doesn't matter as this footage it is going to be made into a montage with the footage we have below.

Progress so far...

This is to show what we did film, edit and put to music but unfortunately we cannot use this footage anymore but this is to show what we did film.

As the first part of our film is a flashback we have realised that we can now use this footage, what we are going to do is cut up this with another part we have so it's a montage and then we will have about 2 minutes of footage =]

And a longer clip...

Thursday 3 November 2011

Mel's Trailer Ideas

For my trailer I am  really inspired by the trailers for episode's of the Vampire Diaries. They are really good for capturing many different aspects like action, which is a main feature I want in my trailer. In addition I really like the way they are edited together, they are short, snappy and intriguing. I like this one because it really focuses on the characters.

I love this trailer because it really highlights the vampire personality of Stefan. Its quite scary to see his lack of ability to control his instincts which is increased by the clock ticking in the background adding suspense. This is a great trailer for really keeping the audience gripped.

Trailer Story Line

The trailer will focus on the boys struggle with his vampire self. It begins with him walking down the street towards the camera with his head down and hood up. When he reaches the camera it zooms into his eyes and there is a graphic match. When it zooms out again he is sat on the floor with his head in his hands looking depressed.  There is a voice over saying "I hate what I've become". The screen then fades to white. It fades back into his mother reading the letter and there is the voice over saying "You know what I've gone to do, I'm going to get revenge". Then it flashes to his cutting his wrist and the sharp object dropping to the floor. Then it flashes to his head whipping round as he hears something in the forest. Then there is a blank screen and for a few minutes all we hear is heavy breathing and his fast heartbeat, then it stops. When the scene comes back it is fast paced, the boy and the vampire chasing each other, the boy going to reach for the vampire. Blank screen. The boy is then stood alone in the forest, his arms are out stretched, his head is up and he's yelling at the top of his lungs. Then its cuts out to a blank screen and the film name comes up.

Progress report MEL :)

So far I have managed to complete all my paperwork for my film, including: shot lists, storyboards (for all scenes), lighting design etc. Although I have made great progress here I am quite behind on my filming. 
  I have only filmed one very short scene but I really need to do more.  I am hoping to film a large chunk of the film this weekend to really boost my progress so I am ready for the deadline in 7 weeks. 
  Finally I have done quite a few pieces of music for the film so I will have less to do in post production.

Progress Report - 3 Nov 2011

So far, we have made progress from our last post. We have completed the script and shot list for the first two minutes of our film. We have also gone out and filmed the first minute- the bedroom scene and the landing and stairs scene.
We are hoping to film next Tuesday to complete the indoor scenes involving the main character so we can then move on the the outdoor scenes. :)

Megan and Charlotte

Thursday 20 October 2011

Trailer ideas - Charlotte Reid

As we our making a vampire film I thought that for my trailer it might be good to include some of these things in the trailer.

- Little bit of background, when he got turned
- Normal day life
- The mum reading the letter when her son leaves.
- Sunlight

The music I  thought would suit this trailer is quite upbeat and intense.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Monday 3 October 2011

Coursework Update- 3 Oct 2011

During the next three weeks we will be using the class time to finish the planning sheets we have including the script and the storyboard for our new film that we have been planning (see previous post) and we have made really good progress in the past two weeks as we have done all the planning sheets for 2/7 minutes and have fully planned the other minutes ready to do the script and the shot-lists for.

Also during the next three weeks in our free time we (esp Charlotte) will be creating the music for the film and we will be filming the scenes that are ready to be filmed.

We have used the last 17 weeks mainly creating all planning sheets for our previous film with our two other group members but Charlotte and I decided that that film would be extremely difficult to film so the group has amalgamated and so we are making a new film based on similar ideas from the last one.

We have learned a lot of valuable lessons about filming in the past 17 weeks as we have done a few test filming scenes and shots and we have realised the importance of the 180 degree rule and spacing between shots. Also that it is necessary for the locations of scenes to be very similar to the ones that we had in mind when planning the film so that the shots work together.

Music: I have learned over the past few weeks that I was not as easy as I expected, I've got a few little bits but I am planning to do most of it on Wednesday.
I have now recorded some music and I am really pleased with it but I'm not quite sure how to edit it, I know which part of the film I want it in but I don't just want the guitar on it's own, so I'm planning to add a bit more of a beat to it

Coursework Update - Mel

I know I have not used the last 17 weeks as well I should have. In an idealistic world, I would now be almost finished editing my film. However, now that I'm working alone I hope to make fast progress and make the most of the remaining 3 weeks. So far, since going it alone, I have secured actors and familiarised them with the script, designed and planned costume/makeup, rewritten the script, and began redoing the shotlists and storyboards. I hope to begin filming in the next week or too, however I am trying to avoid rushing it as I want to produce a high quality piece of work, which I think I am now capable of now I am working alone. 
   The most important lesson I have learned whilst doing this coursework, is not to rely on other group members to get the work done, and to take control of whats happening if you want to achieve well.
   Another thing I have accomplished is making some music for my film which I thought I would struggle with. 
   I hope to have begun filming by the end of these next three weeks, as I am making good progress and am I think that moving groups is the best choice is the best decision I have made whilst doing my coursework.

Title Sequence Ideas

Me (Megan) and Charlotte are looking at different title sequences to get ideas for our own title sequence which we hope to be about 1 minute.

Firstly, we looked at the film 'Se7en' and its title sequences which is a 2/3 minute montage of short clips of the antagonist preparing to kill/ for another killing.

We liked this title sequence because as the montage clips were short, it made it feel like there was a lot more content in it. Also the clips really set the tone for the film and the colours were really plain and dingy which really made it feel like we were seeing the antagonist. 

True Blood
Then we looked at True Blood again as we really liked it when we were planning our old vampire film.

Monday 26 September 2011

Film Studies (Higher) - Update!

This is an update on the current arrangements in higher level film, IB.

  • Mel- working on her own on a modified version of the old vampire film.
  • Megan and Charlotte- working on a new version of the vampire film keeping two scenes and filling in the gaps with a new storyline.
  • Enna- new film

Monday 19 September 2011

Practice Shots (scene 2)

These are some practice shots for scene 2 in our vampire film. It wasn't a great practice of the film and there are lots of things that we are aware of that we will not do in our final film which we will be filming soon.
Firstly, the shots that we did weren't matching to the shot list because of the location and 180 degree rule. When we tried to edit them together they were jumpy and broke continuity which is definitely what we don't want for the final film, we also broke the 30 degree rule between shot 1 and two amongst others.

To be continued...

Thursday 15 September 2011

Mel's Update

I will now be working on my own. I will be using the same film idea but may make a few edits to the script as the original script requires a young boy and i am unable to acquire someone to play that part, however the rest of the script will remain the same. The actors I will be using are: My mum to play the Mum character, my friend Niall to play the Boy character, my Dad to play the Dad character and my brother Ben to play the evil vampire character. I will be uploading picture of my characters in the next few days. Over the next week i will be reassessing my storyboards and shotlists, organising filming dates, and designing hair, costume and makeup for the shoot. I will also be going through the shotlist for my trailer and will hopefully film at the same time as my other film.

Thursday 7 July 2011

Home assessment - Charlotte


I think that the sound suited the film very much, but the way they cut it off when she got to the cemetery was a bit to fast, I think that they should have made it die down slowly of kept it in the back ground a little bit. Other than that the sound was good, I liked the beating of the heart at the end of the film.

Home Video Review - Cinematography - Mel

I think from a cinematographers point of view this was a very good film. This is because the film showed a wide variety of shots, angles and movements. The bit at the beginning with the home video was very good, although it was bad camera work it made the film more realistic and it was very clear that it was a home video.
In addition, the shots are done so that they edit together very well and there wasnt alot of jumping.

Review of the first film coursework...so far :)

This year in film has been very up and down for me, and i was hoping that when we started our films it would be an up again. However after 4 weeks we remain the only group not to have started filming. I think  that this is mainly because there are 4 of us in a group, all of which need to be free at the same time. As a team we need to try and figure this out. It is most important that Enna and I are at every shoot as we are the director and cinematographer, however if it meant we could finally get some filming done, i think we should consider not having one or two people there if they happen to be busy when we want to film. It is very disappointing as the higher level group that so far we have accomplished so little. I am hoping that despite how busy most of us are this summer, we can find time to film at least once at a very minimum, because I know as a group we are very capable of producing a great film if we try and put a little bit more effort in.
   Although i dont yet have any coursework to support this i have found thoughout the year, i have picked up the camera skills quite naturally and i am hoping this will show in my coursework. I really hope I can make the film look very good visually and that i can get a very good grade.  In addtion, i think so far as a team we have produced a brilliant concept for our film and a fantastic script. I think without teamwork these wouldnt have worked out as well, and i am very proud of the group for all the paperwork, not just the script (storyboards, shot list etc.)
   I think there is a long list of weakness for our group so far, but i think we will be able to improve on every single one of them, throughout the summer and the 7 weeks next term we have to work on our film.
   As already mentioned our main problem is that we havent filmed yet and the solution to this is very simple, getting our heads down and getting it started this summer! Even if we are lacking a group member or two, we need to have something to hand in next term :)

Love Mel :) x

Review of the first 4 weeks filming - Charlotte Reid

During these four weeks we have done no filming what so ever. I have tried organising it, but people haven't been very helpful in trying to help me organise it, they are basically relying on me to organise it, but if they chose to film during the summer they can't do that as I am not going to be here. One person has been trying to help me but they always want me to pass on a message, instead of trying to meet the actors themselves. I have made some music, but I was planning to do it over the summer, as it won't be so rushed. But the music I have made so far I am pleased with.
I don't think there are many strengths in our group so far, every body is good at what they chose to do, just as we haven't done any filming yet, we haven't had chance to see how good they are. We did all our planning and script and shot-list but when it comes to looking through what we have done the person who has everything doesn't always come in. Another weakness I think the group has is that they rely on me too much, as I mentioned before.
I think that we have had a few problems and when it did come to planning and everything hardly anyone was really serious about it, people just kept mucking about. I don't want to work in a smaller group, I just want them to help me out a bit.

Thursday 23 June 2011

Megans trailer idea 2

For my trailer i am going to focus on the supernatural elements of the vampire. I am going to have a brief background, with a bit of voice over and then see the main character get turned. The majority of shots are going to show the strength and power of the newborn vampire.

After some thought, i am going to still go for a trailer to show off the supernatural elements of the newly turned vampire. The trailer is going to start with a black screen with the title of the film to surface* out of the background for a few seconds. Then it will be straight into the action with a heavy tension music background.

Monday 20 June 2011

Enna and Mel - practice film exercise

Overall we were quite pleased with the outcome of our film, we thought it was a huge improvement compared to the last one which we filmed. This was because we filmed ALL the shots we needed and we followed the story line more.
However, there were still several weaknesses which we noticed after filming. Firstly, we broke the 180 degree rule at one point in the film, therefore we did not have continuity editing. Also, the lighting wasn't great in places and there wasn't enough shadow in some places.

2nd part to practice 

This is the beginning to the film we shot last time, the shots are quite long and there is only 3 which makes it look quite boring. In the film we copied, they edited these and these were the shots whilst the credits were coming in so it didn't seem as boring. A major weakness, is the last shot, which is extremely blurred and the auto focus needed to be set.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Pre production evaluation - Enna Rob

Being director, I have a lot of responsibilities and duties which are important to the whole group. Essentially my role involves a lot or organising and decision making. I have the responsibility of actors, location, safety, filming sessions and writing a majoroty of the script etc. I also have the final say on the shots, editting and music. The main obvious aspect of my role is directing the other members of my group, for example telling them which part of the film we are going to shoot next.
To begin with, I had no idea where we were going to shoot our film but I later took inspiration from the film "Twilight" and tried to look for a similar location and setting. This picture doesn't particularly show the setting greatly but as you can see, the characters are surrounded by tree's and woods, very similar to our location. I liked this idea as having a location on such a large scale gives the film a sense of adventure, excitement, and thrill. The reason I chose the woods I did (Bramcote park woods) was because it is huge, and also there is a lot of flat land as well as trees. Of course, like in twilight where they have the supernatural element and can jump high above trees, we need things like flat land, so it is safe for the actors to run in the chase scenes for example.

Another important thing to me was obviously the script, initially I wanted something quite simple and conventional, but we decided to challenge ourselves and have gone with something quite complicated. We have also decided to include a twist at the end, and whether this will succeed and work as planned, I don’t know. It’s a risk I chose to go through with as director. Right now I am fully confident in our script, I can’t see any reason why it should not work if it is all shot as planned, and I hope our efforts will be reflected in our first draft of the film.

A director who has influenced me is Daren. S Goyer - he is the director of Blade and many other successful films. There are several reasons which contribute to why I have been influenced by him but the main one is because of how much I was inspired by Blade, I thought both the story line, and the film graphically was sensational. I have taken an aspect of the story line of blade and used the idea in my film. This is the idea of having two vampires, (parent and child) and the child being the protagonist vampire. I would have liked to use more of the storyline but there were a lot of supernatural elements which I could not improvise with and add into my film.

The opening of our film is hopefully going to create a lot of tension and suspense. The main parts which will create this tension and suspense are the beginning where the dad is challenged by a vampire and gets bitten, the part where the child becomes a vampire and the very end where the boy (now vampire) chases the vampire who turns out to be his father. I think the scene where the child becomes a vampire will be possibbly the most successful scene due to the range of angles and shot types we plan to use. For example, the close up of the fangs and long nails. The last scene will certainly create a lot of tension while the chase is happening, and lastly before we see that the vampire is the childs dad, a lot of suspense will be bulding up. Here is the beginning part of our script:

And here is the final part:

The conventions of our sub genre (vampire) which we have used are the typical facial/ body features, for example vampire teeth, long nails, pale skin and red lips. We are also going to use the phisical supernatural aspects, for example fast running. Lastly, we are using a typical vampire location - a secluded, deserted, spooky setting. Although this isn't as typical as a cemetry, it is still a common aspect in many of the films which we have watched.

Monday 13 June 2011

2nd edited part of practice film

Main weaknesses:
  • lack of footage so there are a few jumps
  • The actor is laughing/giggling in about half of the shots
  • The lift scene is the same shot and jumps.
  • The automatic door (3 shots) break the 180 degree rule as the camera is in the wrong place
  • Lack of close-ups so we feel distant from the on-screen character and her story
  • The shots are longer because there are a lack of variety of shots

1st film shoot - Enna

We plan to go for our first shoot in the woods on the 22nd of June (next wednesday) Before then, we need to organise costumes, makeup and which part of the script we aim to shoot. We hope to go out a maximum of 3 times to the woods. After we have then shot the part of the script that takes place in the woods, we will start to shoot the scene which takes place in my house (the very start of the script.) We don't expect this to take more than a couple of hours. We will then start to edit this, and if we realise we have missed any parts we aim to shoot this before the final week of term.

Wednesday 22nd June - arrive at

Sunday 12 June 2011

My Role As Sound Designer - Charlotte Reid

My role as sound director means that I am responsible for the music, I have to create the music myself and I also have to make sure that it goes well with the film, I need to make sure that if the scene is a chase scene that the music suits it, that it is more upbeat and not slow. If not it could wreck the whole film. I already have a few ideas for the film, and so far I’ve already found it tricky.

Our idea for a film came from lots of different films, there is Blade, where we liked the idea of him turning himself into a vampire to kill the bad vampires. There is also 30 days of night which has the same storyline to it, but this protagonist has turned himself into a vampire to save his family. There is also the whole idea that vampires don’t exist, which we have also taken into our film.

Twilight is the main “horror” film I have based my music on, because it is the only horror film I have seen from beginning to end. But I also think that the music from this film is good because there are lots if chase scene with upbeat music which is kind of what I want to go for. I quite liked the fight scene in eclipse, when it goes all quiet and then BAM the music starts.

Our opening is going to engage the audience though tension, it’s going to be one of those openings where everything seems normal but then that makes you know that something bad is going to happen, also I think that we are going to have the music make it more obvious too.

My role as an Editor- Megan Wildsmith

Pre-production Evaluation

My role is the Editor which means that I am in charge of making sure that shots go well together before the editing process. I have to check the shot list and script and try to visual the shots in a sequence remembering all of the rules of continuity. This will ensure that there are no big leaps and that the editing is invisible. This is important because the key to a good film is when everything flows seamlessly.
Our initial idea for our film came from the film Blade II. We liked the title sequence montage where you saw blade getting ready for a fight and we developed it from there. We decided that the boy should be leaving home and that the film should be a sequence of flashbacks in the wrong order including him stalking and killing a young girl. Also, we want to include a funeral scene at the end.
The inspiration for our film came from watching films such as...
When watching horror films for research I have found that the film 1408 is especially good when it comes to editing. The film uses a wide range of angles and shots and they are edited together perfectly so there is always tension. The audience is always on guard waiting for something to pop up or something to appear behind the main character and I think that this is how a horror movie should be- always capturing the attention of the audience.
Our opening will be more tension that ‘fear’ as we are starting off slowly with a scene of the boy in his bedroom. It will be edited together slowly with long shots and also there will be minimalistic shot types and angles, with a few canted angles, but generally calm, subdued and creepy.
As we choose ‘vampire’ as our sub-genre we have conformed to a lot of the conventions- for example, we are going to be using vampire teeth for effect, scenes of neck biting, a graveyard scene and also stalking. We think these conventions are important because it will make the film more exciting and action-packed.
Some things like neck biting we can’t actually film but we can edit scenes together in a way which suggests it occurs. For example, cutting together clips cleverly and using a range of angles and shot types to keep the audience watching closely. A film that often does this is ...

Monday 16 May 2011

The final script


VOICEOVER: “Time goes on forever, it just never seems to end... But life on the other hand, it just stops. It dies and we die. If not ourselves then we die inside – when everything you have ever loved and everything that you ever cared about is just ripped apart in front of your eyes. You’d hope and like to believe life gets better, but the reality is… it just doesn’t. And you should know that, but you have to go on- because the world goes on... and on.” = seconds


-- A close up of hands and scissors. Pile of clippings in shot, in background. Music shows that this is the beginning of a film and so the shot can be a little longer. 10 seconds

VOICE OVER STARTS: 30/35 seconds

Text Box: Names come up on screen.-- High angle of hands show what boy is doing. Boy is sorting through pile with ease, almost boredom. Hands are clean and nails are clipped very short. 5 secs

-- New angle as clipping BOY is working on is moved to discard/keep pile. BOY’S head is down as he reads. Extreme close up of face looking down- 5 secs

-- New angle (poss. long establishing shot) as BOY stands up to pin an article to notice board across the room. Audience notices that the room is bare and minimalistic. No toys, or indication of gender in room. No photos or personal touches. 15 secs

-- Walks from notice board to window. Stares out (POV shot) broodingly. Rain reflects the mood of the BOY. 5 secs

-- POV shot- 5 seconds. BOY is at window and we see out of window.

NAME OF FILM- 5 seconds

EXT. WOODS- Twilight
Scene has effect/tint on.

1-- BOY and DAD are in woods walking. Panning shot from behind- starts with feet and pans up to normal height.

2-- Two shot of BOY and DAD walking from another angle.

3-- Extreme long shot, low angle. Leaves rustling. BOY and DAD are in the distance, walking away. POV shot.

4-- Shot of BOYS back. 2 seconds.

5-- Switch to front as BOY turns around. BOY looks over his shoulder. DAD urges BOY to carry on walking. 2/3 seconds.

6-- Fast change, over the shoulder shot of dad frantically looking left to right. BOY and DAD walk faster, getting to the end of the woods- nearly safe!

7-- View of front, close up of DAD’S face, scared.

8-- High angle shot, DAD shoving BOY away. Telling BOY to “Run!”

9-- Dramatic music starts as back of BOY running into the woods.

10-- Low angle of BOY’S feet running.

11-- New angle of BOY running. (Mel)?

12-- BOY looks around and sees dad shouting and a figure running away fast. Boy shouts “Daddy!”

13-- BOY goes to hide. Close up of BOY sobbing- head down. Boy has head in hands.


-- MUM in house, shouts up stairs for son. She finds a letter addressed to her propped up somewhere.

VOICEOVER: … “Dear mum
I guess you found my letter, please don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine, but by the time you read this, I will be long gone. I know you said that Vampire’s don’t exist, but it’s happening again, they have come back and they do exist even if you don’t want to believe it. But my time has come, I am finally old enough and prepared to face this. I have gone to find them!” (BOY’S voice)

-- MUM falls into chair. Words of letter appear on screen using ‘after effect’ software.

Follow on from previous voice over. BOY explains further about his intent. More aggressive and determined than letter to MUM.

-- Long shot of BOY walking down the street (walking towards the camera) with his hood up looking very determined.

-- Long shot of the woods looking empty and scary. BOY stops and rethinks quickly what he is about to do. Then continues walking.

-- Low angle shot of BOY’S feet as he is walking away into the distance.

(Moody music)


-- BOY walking into the central part of the woods. He is looking around as if it looks familiar and he smiles a sickening smile. Unthreatening shots.

-- BOY pulls sleeve up and grabs a knife from his sock. There will be close ups and using a high angle as he pulls knife from sock.

-- Extreme long shot to establish setting. 3 seconds.

-- Shot of BOY putting the knife to his skin

-- Extreme close up of facial expression as cuts himself.

-- Shot again of bloody arm. BOY in pain. Close up

-- Mid shot of bloody knife falling to the floor.

-- Face of BOY, shouts out into woods. Close up of his eyes looking around. (Creepy music and rustling.)

-- Long shot of Vampire coming out of the woods, walking slowly.

-- Extreme Close up of the Vampire’s eyes, targeting his victim.

-- From back of vamp, creeping up on BOY.

-- Over the shoulder shot of BOY from vamps shoulder.

-- Mid shot of vamp jumping on BOY and grabbing his arm and putting it to his mouth.

-- Quick extreme close up of vamps fangs before biting. 1 sec max

-- Close up of biting. Only showing the back of vamps head, vampire in a crouch in an oddly supernatural pose. BOY moans some, but succumbs to the pain, as this is what he wants.


-- BOY has obviously changed- his skin is paler.

-- Extreme close up of BOYS’ face- in pain and groaning.

-- Close up of BOYS’ face gasping for air and realizing he doesn’t need to breathe.

-- Mid shot high angle BOY starts panting and puts his hand to his neck.

-- Close up of BOY grunting in pain.

-- Long shot of BOYS trying to get up but falls back down with the pain.

-- Mid shot of him breathing heavily again and he lies back down.

-- Close up of him reaching out to the tree, emphasis on his long creepy nails.

-- Long shot of BOY standing up straight looking around and screams in satisfaction with his arms out. BOY is breathing the air for prey.

-- Low angle tracking shot of BOY rejoicing.

-- Mid shot of BOY turning around looking down at his hands and then running off.

-- Extreme long shot of empty woods and leaves rustling.


-- Long shot of BOY walking through the woods silently and stealthily.

-- POV shot from the BOY catching a glimpse of vampire.

-- Mid shot as BOY bends down behind tree watching the vampire.

-- High angle POV shot from the BOY as the vampire approaches him. Only see feet.

-- Close up of BOY quickly reaching out to try and grab the vampire but fails because he is too weak and he needs to feed.

-- Long shot of vampire running in the other direction.

-- High angle of BOY falling onto the floor gasping.

-- Low angle close up of BOY looking up determined to catch the vampire. And runs off chasing the vampire.

-- Long shot of them chasing each other. BOY turns right going the other way whilst the vamp goes left.

-- BOY takes lead, mid shot of them running towards the camera. (Almost as if they are running into the camera) BOY stops in front of camera and blacks it out. Turns around to face the other vamp.


-- Two shot of vampire on the left (head down so you cant see his face).

-- Heavy breathing long shot of the pair of vampires standing of very still.

-- Twig snaps showing tension between characters. Audience suspects they know each other.

-- Close up of BOY jumping and grabbing the vampire by the jacket from behind.

-- Close up of vampire turning around, slowly.

-- Over the shoulder shot of BOYS surprised face as he recoils and lets go of the vampires jacket.



Shotlist minute 1 and 2

Monday 9 May 2011

More shot lists

Shot list for minute 3

shot list for minute 4

Shot lists and Storyboards

This is the shot list for minute 5

this is the shot list for minute 6

this is the shot list for minute 7

These story boards are for minute 5

Thursday 5 May 2011

Trailer ideas - Enna

For my trailer I would like to focus on the boy and his past, I want to show a bit from the past and then all of a sudden change the whole tone of the trailer to a more sinister and sad tone. I will show how the boy is living his life now and his future intentions. I also want to include a short scene with the mother in and some voice over regarding there relationship. I will include both sad and exciting action packed scenes to make it less specific and attract a wider audience.

My shot list 

Trailer Ideas - Mel

For my trailer I would like to focus on some of the background story, to intrigue the audience as to what will happen next. I would like to have shots of the young boy and the Dad to show the connection between them. Also to show the boys feeling after the loss of his father. At the end of my trailer i would like to have a voice over explaining that he wants revenge. In the middle there will be lots of fast snappy shots to make it seem epic. :)

Lighting Practice

This is Emily and she is going to be an actor for our film. She is going to play the mother in the film

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Planning work - Location and actors (Enna - Director)


We have two major locations for our filming, these are quite contrasting in as one is outdoor and the other is indoor. The outdoor one is the woods and is where the majority of our film is going to be set and filmed. The woods I have chosen are situated in Bracote Park, as it is a fairly large area I have taken pictures of quite a few places and later on we can explore on a definite location.

The second location is a bedroom in my house. We needed quite a simple and plane room so I chose a study which a quite bear and empty, expect for a notice board which we will use in our actual filming. We wanted the room to be quite empty to reflect the character and make him appear quite cold.


We have two main actors, these are the vampire, who essentially plays two characters and the boy (the child of the vampire)

Our main vampire is Patrick

The actor who plays the boy to start with, when he is a child is going to be my brother

We have two other actors which we were unable to get pictures of for various reasons. We also require the voice of a girl.