Monday 20 June 2011

Enna and Mel - practice film exercise

Overall we were quite pleased with the outcome of our film, we thought it was a huge improvement compared to the last one which we filmed. This was because we filmed ALL the shots we needed and we followed the story line more.
However, there were still several weaknesses which we noticed after filming. Firstly, we broke the 180 degree rule at one point in the film, therefore we did not have continuity editing. Also, the lighting wasn't great in places and there wasn't enough shadow in some places.

2nd part to practice 

This is the beginning to the film we shot last time, the shots are quite long and there is only 3 which makes it look quite boring. In the film we copied, they edited these and these were the shots whilst the credits were coming in so it didn't seem as boring. A major weakness, is the last shot, which is extremely blurred and the auto focus needed to be set.

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