Thursday 3 November 2011

Mel's Trailer Ideas

For my trailer I am  really inspired by the trailers for episode's of the Vampire Diaries. They are really good for capturing many different aspects like action, which is a main feature I want in my trailer. In addition I really like the way they are edited together, they are short, snappy and intriguing. I like this one because it really focuses on the characters.

I love this trailer because it really highlights the vampire personality of Stefan. Its quite scary to see his lack of ability to control his instincts which is increased by the clock ticking in the background adding suspense. This is a great trailer for really keeping the audience gripped.

Trailer Story Line

The trailer will focus on the boys struggle with his vampire self. It begins with him walking down the street towards the camera with his head down and hood up. When he reaches the camera it zooms into his eyes and there is a graphic match. When it zooms out again he is sat on the floor with his head in his hands looking depressed.  There is a voice over saying "I hate what I've become". The screen then fades to white. It fades back into his mother reading the letter and there is the voice over saying "You know what I've gone to do, I'm going to get revenge". Then it flashes to his cutting his wrist and the sharp object dropping to the floor. Then it flashes to his head whipping round as he hears something in the forest. Then there is a blank screen and for a few minutes all we hear is heavy breathing and his fast heartbeat, then it stops. When the scene comes back it is fast paced, the boy and the vampire chasing each other, the boy going to reach for the vampire. Blank screen. The boy is then stood alone in the forest, his arms are out stretched, his head is up and he's yelling at the top of his lungs. Then its cuts out to a blank screen and the film name comes up.

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