Tuesday 14 June 2011

Pre production evaluation - Enna Rob

Being director, I have a lot of responsibilities and duties which are important to the whole group. Essentially my role involves a lot or organising and decision making. I have the responsibility of actors, location, safety, filming sessions and writing a majoroty of the script etc. I also have the final say on the shots, editting and music. The main obvious aspect of my role is directing the other members of my group, for example telling them which part of the film we are going to shoot next.
To begin with, I had no idea where we were going to shoot our film but I later took inspiration from the film "Twilight" and tried to look for a similar location and setting. This picture doesn't particularly show the setting greatly but as you can see, the characters are surrounded by tree's and woods, very similar to our location. I liked this idea as having a location on such a large scale gives the film a sense of adventure, excitement, and thrill. The reason I chose the woods I did (Bramcote park woods) was because it is huge, and also there is a lot of flat land as well as trees. Of course, like in twilight where they have the supernatural element and can jump high above trees, we need things like flat land, so it is safe for the actors to run in the chase scenes for example.

Another important thing to me was obviously the script, initially I wanted something quite simple and conventional, but we decided to challenge ourselves and have gone with something quite complicated. We have also decided to include a twist at the end, and whether this will succeed and work as planned, I don’t know. It’s a risk I chose to go through with as director. Right now I am fully confident in our script, I can’t see any reason why it should not work if it is all shot as planned, and I hope our efforts will be reflected in our first draft of the film.

A director who has influenced me is Daren. S Goyer - he is the director of Blade and many other successful films. There are several reasons which contribute to why I have been influenced by him but the main one is because of how much I was inspired by Blade, I thought both the story line, and the film graphically was sensational. I have taken an aspect of the story line of blade and used the idea in my film. This is the idea of having two vampires, (parent and child) and the child being the protagonist vampire. I would have liked to use more of the storyline but there were a lot of supernatural elements which I could not improvise with and add into my film.

The opening of our film is hopefully going to create a lot of tension and suspense. The main parts which will create this tension and suspense are the beginning where the dad is challenged by a vampire and gets bitten, the part where the child becomes a vampire and the very end where the boy (now vampire) chases the vampire who turns out to be his father. I think the scene where the child becomes a vampire will be possibbly the most successful scene due to the range of angles and shot types we plan to use. For example, the close up of the fangs and long nails. The last scene will certainly create a lot of tension while the chase is happening, and lastly before we see that the vampire is the childs dad, a lot of suspense will be bulding up. Here is the beginning part of our script:

And here is the final part:

The conventions of our sub genre (vampire) which we have used are the typical facial/ body features, for example vampire teeth, long nails, pale skin and red lips. We are also going to use the phisical supernatural aspects, for example fast running. Lastly, we are using a typical vampire location - a secluded, deserted, spooky setting. Although this isn't as typical as a cemetry, it is still a common aspect in many of the films which we have watched.

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