Wednesday 4 May 2011

Planning work - Location and actors (Enna - Director)


We have two major locations for our filming, these are quite contrasting in as one is outdoor and the other is indoor. The outdoor one is the woods and is where the majority of our film is going to be set and filmed. The woods I have chosen are situated in Bracote Park, as it is a fairly large area I have taken pictures of quite a few places and later on we can explore on a definite location.

The second location is a bedroom in my house. We needed quite a simple and plane room so I chose a study which a quite bear and empty, expect for a notice board which we will use in our actual filming. We wanted the room to be quite empty to reflect the character and make him appear quite cold.


We have two main actors, these are the vampire, who essentially plays two characters and the boy (the child of the vampire)

Our main vampire is Patrick

The actor who plays the boy to start with, when he is a child is going to be my brother

We have two other actors which we were unable to get pictures of for various reasons. We also require the voice of a girl.

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