Thursday 7 July 2011

Review of the first 4 weeks filming - Charlotte Reid

During these four weeks we have done no filming what so ever. I have tried organising it, but people haven't been very helpful in trying to help me organise it, they are basically relying on me to organise it, but if they chose to film during the summer they can't do that as I am not going to be here. One person has been trying to help me but they always want me to pass on a message, instead of trying to meet the actors themselves. I have made some music, but I was planning to do it over the summer, as it won't be so rushed. But the music I have made so far I am pleased with.
I don't think there are many strengths in our group so far, every body is good at what they chose to do, just as we haven't done any filming yet, we haven't had chance to see how good they are. We did all our planning and script and shot-list but when it comes to looking through what we have done the person who has everything doesn't always come in. Another weakness I think the group has is that they rely on me too much, as I mentioned before.
I think that we have had a few problems and when it did come to planning and everything hardly anyone was really serious about it, people just kept mucking about. I don't want to work in a smaller group, I just want them to help me out a bit.

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