Sunday 12 June 2011

My Role As Sound Designer - Charlotte Reid

My role as sound director means that I am responsible for the music, I have to create the music myself and I also have to make sure that it goes well with the film, I need to make sure that if the scene is a chase scene that the music suits it, that it is more upbeat and not slow. If not it could wreck the whole film. I already have a few ideas for the film, and so far I’ve already found it tricky.

Our idea for a film came from lots of different films, there is Blade, where we liked the idea of him turning himself into a vampire to kill the bad vampires. There is also 30 days of night which has the same storyline to it, but this protagonist has turned himself into a vampire to save his family. There is also the whole idea that vampires don’t exist, which we have also taken into our film.

Twilight is the main “horror” film I have based my music on, because it is the only horror film I have seen from beginning to end. But I also think that the music from this film is good because there are lots if chase scene with upbeat music which is kind of what I want to go for. I quite liked the fight scene in eclipse, when it goes all quiet and then BAM the music starts.

Our opening is going to engage the audience though tension, it’s going to be one of those openings where everything seems normal but then that makes you know that something bad is going to happen, also I think that we are going to have the music make it more obvious too.

1 comment:

  1. How to improve - Twiight paragraph - you need to reference a number of films that you have analysed and explain how the sound works in these films to create fear and list specfically the instruments used.

    Paragraph Two - Remove this - instead dicuss specifically your different ideas for sound.

    Make sure you explain how the sound will change throughout your film
