Thursday 7 July 2011

Review of the first film far :)

This year in film has been very up and down for me, and i was hoping that when we started our films it would be an up again. However after 4 weeks we remain the only group not to have started filming. I think  that this is mainly because there are 4 of us in a group, all of which need to be free at the same time. As a team we need to try and figure this out. It is most important that Enna and I are at every shoot as we are the director and cinematographer, however if it meant we could finally get some filming done, i think we should consider not having one or two people there if they happen to be busy when we want to film. It is very disappointing as the higher level group that so far we have accomplished so little. I am hoping that despite how busy most of us are this summer, we can find time to film at least once at a very minimum, because I know as a group we are very capable of producing a great film if we try and put a little bit more effort in.
   Although i dont yet have any coursework to support this i have found thoughout the year, i have picked up the camera skills quite naturally and i am hoping this will show in my coursework. I really hope I can make the film look very good visually and that i can get a very good grade.  In addtion, i think so far as a team we have produced a brilliant concept for our film and a fantastic script. I think without teamwork these wouldnt have worked out as well, and i am very proud of the group for all the paperwork, not just the script (storyboards, shot list etc.)
   I think there is a long list of weakness for our group so far, but i think we will be able to improve on every single one of them, throughout the summer and the 7 weeks next term we have to work on our film.
   As already mentioned our main problem is that we havent filmed yet and the solution to this is very simple, getting our heads down and getting it started this summer! Even if we are lacking a group member or two, we need to have something to hand in next term :)

Love Mel :) x

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