Monday 3 October 2011

Coursework Update - Mel

I know I have not used the last 17 weeks as well I should have. In an idealistic world, I would now be almost finished editing my film. However, now that I'm working alone I hope to make fast progress and make the most of the remaining 3 weeks. So far, since going it alone, I have secured actors and familiarised them with the script, designed and planned costume/makeup, rewritten the script, and began redoing the shotlists and storyboards. I hope to begin filming in the next week or too, however I am trying to avoid rushing it as I want to produce a high quality piece of work, which I think I am now capable of now I am working alone. 
   The most important lesson I have learned whilst doing this coursework, is not to rely on other group members to get the work done, and to take control of whats happening if you want to achieve well.
   Another thing I have accomplished is making some music for my film which I thought I would struggle with. 
   I hope to have begun filming by the end of these next three weeks, as I am making good progress and am I think that moving groups is the best choice is the best decision I have made whilst doing my coursework.

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