Thursday 31 March 2011

Trailer ideas - Charlotte Reid

I have watched a few trailers today and I found a few ideas that I would like to use
In 30 days of night I saw a scene that told us vampires don't exist. I thought as our protagonist has seen his dad being attacked he is going to be a bit messed up afterwards. I like the thought of him telling his mum that he saw a vampire and her telling him that they don't exist. But before that I thought I would start of with him sitting alone in his room and thinking back to the day when his dad was attacked. Then at the end a few short shots, one of the vampire, one of him standing in the woods before he gets turned, maybe a close up of the vampire with blood around his mouth and then as my last shot I would like a close up of our protagonist opening his eyes for the first time after he has been turned.

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