Tuesday 29 March 2011


Make some comments underneath about the feedback you received and how you will respond to this.  If changes are needed please post these also:


  1. Although the video is not the best quality, you can just about hear what i am saying. The main downfall was lack of preparation and not a lot of discussion beforehand on who's reading what.
    When the step outline came up on the slide near the end, it was then mine and Charlotte's turn to speak. We had to improvise quite a lot but i think that we did quite well. If we'd talked more about it before then maybe we could have discussed what we were going to say- but it was ok.
    My main criticism was that i spoke too quiet and mumbled. My voice is hard to hear in the clip and maybe it was for the rest of the group.
    My main achievement was my ability to improvise on the spot! I didn't plan what i wanted to say, but some of the things i said were really good and helped to inform the audience.

    Megan Wildsmith :)

  2. Watching the video back was embarrassing. The sound was a bit low, but I think I mumbled quite a lot so I don't mind. We didn't really prepare what we were all going to say and what order it was going to go in. As Megan and I were the last talking and it was more than half way through we could see people thinking, "why aren't they talking?"
    When it was our turn to speak we had to improvise a bit (or a lot), well, I did anyway, but I think it worked. It felt like we were repeating what Mel and Enna had already said, but that is sort of what we had to do.
    The feedback we got was alright, but one of them said that maybe we had to many characters, but then after seeing one of the other groups presentations, it turned out that they had more actors than us.
    Over all I think the presentation went okay.
    Next time I probably just need to speak a bit louder.

    Charlotte Reid =]
