Tuesday 1 March 2011

My role as a director - Enna Rob

Directors are responsible for dealing with the creative aspects of a film. They often develop the vision for a film and carry the vision out, deciding how the film should look. They are responsible for turning the script into shots and also direct what tone it should have, and what an audience should gain from the cinematic experience. Film directors, with the help of the cinematographer are responsible for deciding camera angles, lens effects and lighting and set design with the production designer. They will often take part in hiring key crew members. They coordinate the actors' moves, or blocking, and also may be involved in the writing, financing, and editing of a film.
As a director for our Horror film I foreshadow this to be quite challenging. I will have to find a typical location which a vampire film usually takes place – this will be somewhere low lit, secluded, frightening, perhaps somewhere like a graveyard. Another responsibility which I will have take on and consider being important is costume and props. I think this is a debatable subject and sometimes using too much costume can have a negative effect on how the film looks, but also the conventional things are needed many of the times to stress certain aspects.
I think depending on how the location compliments the script, and how believable the characters look and can act will be a big pointer in judging how well my role as director went. In many ways, I have a leading role and hope to succeed in this.

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