Sunday 6 March 2011

My role as a Editor- Megan Wildsmith

A editors role is not just editing the final product. I've learnt that an editor also has to take responsibility for story boarding and making sure the 180 degree rule and the 30 degree rule isn't broken in filming because no matter how good an editor you are- you can't edit a badly shot film. I will also be collaborating with the sound designer (Charlotte Reid) so that we can get the music in time with the scene changes and so on.
I think this role is applied to our horror film because as well as needing a director and cinematographer to shoot and plan out the shots, you also need an editor to look ahead and see what shots will go nice together and what will look good when it's all stitched together. Also you need someone in a group who is good at and willing to storyboard- and that is me.
I think i will know if i've done a good job when the finished product is on the big screen and you cannot see the editing. I know i've done a good job if the film is seamless and everything just flows together. Of course everyone else will contribute with this, for example the sound has to flow with the film, but it will mainly be my responsibility for the film not looking amateur and jumpy.

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