Monday 4 April 2011


We chose this part of the script to talk about as we thought the dialouge and particularly the stage directions on this part were something we could transfer and take ideas from. Firstly, the bit where the interviewers, Malloy says 'so how shall we begin?' the stage directions say (playfully, almost teasing) here this suggests the interviewer retains the power, taking charge on the situation and almost light heartedly laughing at Louis. We thought this bit was interesting because of course we know that Lois has all dominance in the room and in fact we feel threatened for Malloy. This allows tension to be created and forms the atmosphere for the next scene. Also another stage direction that links to this idea, (Malloy laughs goodnaturedly) this is significant because he thinks Louis's reply to 'I'm a vampire' is bazare. Little does he know, he is a vampire and Malloy thinks it's all a joke. His laugh says a lot about his interpretation of Louis's words and in a way is dramatic irony. ENNA - DIRECTOR

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