Monday 21 March 2011

Title Sequence Ideas

True Blood
We watched the True Blood title sequence to see if we could get some ideas for our own title sequence. In the True Blood one, there was lots of short little clips no longer than 4/5 seconds. In the clips they were the ideas of church's, religion, a ran over possum. There was also lots of sex type scenes were girls were dancing slowly and being intimate with men. There was a shot of kids eating berries which gives the audience a crude idea of blood and when its little grinning kids- it seems really out of place and shocking.
A clip that i found interesting was a short sped-up clip of a dead fox deteriorating, decaying and with all its hair floating about. It was really disturbing and disgusting but very effective in scaring the audience and showing them something shocking.
We can use the idea of filming lots of extra scenes and merging them into a title sequence. This will also make it easier to make our trailer at a later date.

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