Monday 7 March 2011

Twilight saga: Eclipse analysis

The one part of the opening that really stands out for me is when the two main character Bella and Edward collide  with Jacob, Edward's rival, Jacob turns around moodily, and sexily, and the non diegetic sound track get very loud and one burst of rocky music sounds when he faces the main character- suggesting that he is bad and a rebel.

Threat is introduced-

At the beginning of the film, the threat is introduced straight away. This is a very good technique as it gets the audience scared straight away and it is also introduces you to the threat straight away. Without the first couple of minutes- you would just think it was a chick flick for a while until you get to see some action again.
Is it scary? -
No it is not, because the threat is introduced in the previous film and also the way it is acted out is pretty bad. I know they are meant to be vampires but they look wooden and like bad actors which i dont think are. This could be a fault of the directors' and we will take this into account as we want our film to look good and genuine.

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