Monday 28 February 2011

Past students work

This was made by a group of students in Prague. The themes of the film are issues and war.  The film maker used family and friends as the actors, they were well directed so the actors performed very well. The film maker uses a lot of close ups, this makes you feel closer to the characters as it gives an intimate feel to the film. Another strength of the film was research on the era that they were pretending to film in. It really felt that the war was actually on and that people were waiting for their sons to come home. This makes the film really emotional and real for the audience. Another strong aspect which stands out to me is the use of props, for example the TV which the mum was watching fit exactly with the intended time scale. Also, the phone which the son was using was very relevant and helped make the war at the time believable.

This film deals with the issue of drugs and the consequences which follow. The basic story line can be seen as a message to the viewers, as we slowly see his life being destroyed before us. We are just as helpless as him himself. The film plays with the idea if speaking in all, 1st, 2nd and 3rd person to narrate, describe and show his life to us. This is which makes the film so successful, as we become aware that he himself is aware of what's happening, he draws himself away from his own character and becomes a seperate person. Another strong aspect is the lighting, the film uses vibrant and strong colors to portray the different feelings.  They give a sense of emotion and realism.
A criticism that i have is the excessive amount of effects have the film has. Most of the clips have some effects and they do add an adult atmosphere to the film but sometimes i felt that not everything needed to be slowed down or coloured. Despite this, i think that when they slowed it down and showed the woman getting punched and then stopped it to show her expression to this- it was really effective.

The film 'proof' focuses on a man who is desperately searching for a logical reason for love. The short film starts with his girlfriend giving him a note and asking him to solve it. The rest of the film is him frantically searching for the answer to this note- and as the audience, you don't know what's written on the note. This gives the whole film a mystery feel and you just want to find out what is happening! The film is convincing because of the amount of adults and good locations in the film but the plot is a bit silly and unrealistic- especially at the end when he falls down an elevator shaft. :)

Wowman is a comedy and you can tell it is a comedy from the title sequence because it has a cheery soundtrack. To be honest- 'wowman' is not the best example of a short film and i dont think that we will be taking any tips or hints away from it. At best it was some nicely framed shots and at worst- it is deeply creepy. Its very disturbing and crazy- therefore that is all we wish to comment on it. If anything we know what not to do.

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