Thursday 20 October 2011

Trailer ideas - Charlotte Reid

As we our making a vampire film I thought that for my trailer it might be good to include some of these things in the trailer.

- Little bit of background, when he got turned
- Normal day life
- The mum reading the letter when her son leaves.
- Sunlight

The music I  thought would suit this trailer is quite upbeat and intense.

Thursday 6 October 2011

Monday 3 October 2011

Coursework Update- 3 Oct 2011

During the next three weeks we will be using the class time to finish the planning sheets we have including the script and the storyboard for our new film that we have been planning (see previous post) and we have made really good progress in the past two weeks as we have done all the planning sheets for 2/7 minutes and have fully planned the other minutes ready to do the script and the shot-lists for.

Also during the next three weeks in our free time we (esp Charlotte) will be creating the music for the film and we will be filming the scenes that are ready to be filmed.

We have used the last 17 weeks mainly creating all planning sheets for our previous film with our two other group members but Charlotte and I decided that that film would be extremely difficult to film so the group has amalgamated and so we are making a new film based on similar ideas from the last one.

We have learned a lot of valuable lessons about filming in the past 17 weeks as we have done a few test filming scenes and shots and we have realised the importance of the 180 degree rule and spacing between shots. Also that it is necessary for the locations of scenes to be very similar to the ones that we had in mind when planning the film so that the shots work together.

Music: I have learned over the past few weeks that I was not as easy as I expected, I've got a few little bits but I am planning to do most of it on Wednesday.
I have now recorded some music and I am really pleased with it but I'm not quite sure how to edit it, I know which part of the film I want it in but I don't just want the guitar on it's own, so I'm planning to add a bit more of a beat to it

Coursework Update - Mel

I know I have not used the last 17 weeks as well I should have. In an idealistic world, I would now be almost finished editing my film. However, now that I'm working alone I hope to make fast progress and make the most of the remaining 3 weeks. So far, since going it alone, I have secured actors and familiarised them with the script, designed and planned costume/makeup, rewritten the script, and began redoing the shotlists and storyboards. I hope to begin filming in the next week or too, however I am trying to avoid rushing it as I want to produce a high quality piece of work, which I think I am now capable of now I am working alone. 
   The most important lesson I have learned whilst doing this coursework, is not to rely on other group members to get the work done, and to take control of whats happening if you want to achieve well.
   Another thing I have accomplished is making some music for my film which I thought I would struggle with. 
   I hope to have begun filming by the end of these next three weeks, as I am making good progress and am I think that moving groups is the best choice is the best decision I have made whilst doing my coursework.

Title Sequence Ideas

Me (Megan) and Charlotte are looking at different title sequences to get ideas for our own title sequence which we hope to be about 1 minute.

Firstly, we looked at the film 'Se7en' and its title sequences which is a 2/3 minute montage of short clips of the antagonist preparing to kill/ for another killing.

We liked this title sequence because as the montage clips were short, it made it feel like there was a lot more content in it. Also the clips really set the tone for the film and the colours were really plain and dingy which really made it feel like we were seeing the antagonist. 

True Blood
Then we looked at True Blood again as we really liked it when we were planning our old vampire film.