Monday 16 May 2011

The final script


VOICEOVER: “Time goes on forever, it just never seems to end... But life on the other hand, it just stops. It dies and we die. If not ourselves then we die inside – when everything you have ever loved and everything that you ever cared about is just ripped apart in front of your eyes. You’d hope and like to believe life gets better, but the reality is… it just doesn’t. And you should know that, but you have to go on- because the world goes on... and on.” = seconds


-- A close up of hands and scissors. Pile of clippings in shot, in background. Music shows that this is the beginning of a film and so the shot can be a little longer. 10 seconds

VOICE OVER STARTS: 30/35 seconds

Text Box: Names come up on screen.-- High angle of hands show what boy is doing. Boy is sorting through pile with ease, almost boredom. Hands are clean and nails are clipped very short. 5 secs

-- New angle as clipping BOY is working on is moved to discard/keep pile. BOY’S head is down as he reads. Extreme close up of face looking down- 5 secs

-- New angle (poss. long establishing shot) as BOY stands up to pin an article to notice board across the room. Audience notices that the room is bare and minimalistic. No toys, or indication of gender in room. No photos or personal touches. 15 secs

-- Walks from notice board to window. Stares out (POV shot) broodingly. Rain reflects the mood of the BOY. 5 secs

-- POV shot- 5 seconds. BOY is at window and we see out of window.

NAME OF FILM- 5 seconds

EXT. WOODS- Twilight
Scene has effect/tint on.

1-- BOY and DAD are in woods walking. Panning shot from behind- starts with feet and pans up to normal height.

2-- Two shot of BOY and DAD walking from another angle.

3-- Extreme long shot, low angle. Leaves rustling. BOY and DAD are in the distance, walking away. POV shot.

4-- Shot of BOYS back. 2 seconds.

5-- Switch to front as BOY turns around. BOY looks over his shoulder. DAD urges BOY to carry on walking. 2/3 seconds.

6-- Fast change, over the shoulder shot of dad frantically looking left to right. BOY and DAD walk faster, getting to the end of the woods- nearly safe!

7-- View of front, close up of DAD’S face, scared.

8-- High angle shot, DAD shoving BOY away. Telling BOY to “Run!”

9-- Dramatic music starts as back of BOY running into the woods.

10-- Low angle of BOY’S feet running.

11-- New angle of BOY running. (Mel)?

12-- BOY looks around and sees dad shouting and a figure running away fast. Boy shouts “Daddy!”

13-- BOY goes to hide. Close up of BOY sobbing- head down. Boy has head in hands.


-- MUM in house, shouts up stairs for son. She finds a letter addressed to her propped up somewhere.

VOICEOVER: … “Dear mum
I guess you found my letter, please don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine, but by the time you read this, I will be long gone. I know you said that Vampire’s don’t exist, but it’s happening again, they have come back and they do exist even if you don’t want to believe it. But my time has come, I am finally old enough and prepared to face this. I have gone to find them!” (BOY’S voice)

-- MUM falls into chair. Words of letter appear on screen using ‘after effect’ software.

Follow on from previous voice over. BOY explains further about his intent. More aggressive and determined than letter to MUM.

-- Long shot of BOY walking down the street (walking towards the camera) with his hood up looking very determined.

-- Long shot of the woods looking empty and scary. BOY stops and rethinks quickly what he is about to do. Then continues walking.

-- Low angle shot of BOY’S feet as he is walking away into the distance.

(Moody music)


-- BOY walking into the central part of the woods. He is looking around as if it looks familiar and he smiles a sickening smile. Unthreatening shots.

-- BOY pulls sleeve up and grabs a knife from his sock. There will be close ups and using a high angle as he pulls knife from sock.

-- Extreme long shot to establish setting. 3 seconds.

-- Shot of BOY putting the knife to his skin

-- Extreme close up of facial expression as cuts himself.

-- Shot again of bloody arm. BOY in pain. Close up

-- Mid shot of bloody knife falling to the floor.

-- Face of BOY, shouts out into woods. Close up of his eyes looking around. (Creepy music and rustling.)

-- Long shot of Vampire coming out of the woods, walking slowly.

-- Extreme Close up of the Vampire’s eyes, targeting his victim.

-- From back of vamp, creeping up on BOY.

-- Over the shoulder shot of BOY from vamps shoulder.

-- Mid shot of vamp jumping on BOY and grabbing his arm and putting it to his mouth.

-- Quick extreme close up of vamps fangs before biting. 1 sec max

-- Close up of biting. Only showing the back of vamps head, vampire in a crouch in an oddly supernatural pose. BOY moans some, but succumbs to the pain, as this is what he wants.


-- BOY has obviously changed- his skin is paler.

-- Extreme close up of BOYS’ face- in pain and groaning.

-- Close up of BOYS’ face gasping for air and realizing he doesn’t need to breathe.

-- Mid shot high angle BOY starts panting and puts his hand to his neck.

-- Close up of BOY grunting in pain.

-- Long shot of BOYS trying to get up but falls back down with the pain.

-- Mid shot of him breathing heavily again and he lies back down.

-- Close up of him reaching out to the tree, emphasis on his long creepy nails.

-- Long shot of BOY standing up straight looking around and screams in satisfaction with his arms out. BOY is breathing the air for prey.

-- Low angle tracking shot of BOY rejoicing.

-- Mid shot of BOY turning around looking down at his hands and then running off.

-- Extreme long shot of empty woods and leaves rustling.


-- Long shot of BOY walking through the woods silently and stealthily.

-- POV shot from the BOY catching a glimpse of vampire.

-- Mid shot as BOY bends down behind tree watching the vampire.

-- High angle POV shot from the BOY as the vampire approaches him. Only see feet.

-- Close up of BOY quickly reaching out to try and grab the vampire but fails because he is too weak and he needs to feed.

-- Long shot of vampire running in the other direction.

-- High angle of BOY falling onto the floor gasping.

-- Low angle close up of BOY looking up determined to catch the vampire. And runs off chasing the vampire.

-- Long shot of them chasing each other. BOY turns right going the other way whilst the vamp goes left.

-- BOY takes lead, mid shot of them running towards the camera. (Almost as if they are running into the camera) BOY stops in front of camera and blacks it out. Turns around to face the other vamp.


-- Two shot of vampire on the left (head down so you cant see his face).

-- Heavy breathing long shot of the pair of vampires standing of very still.

-- Twig snaps showing tension between characters. Audience suspects they know each other.

-- Close up of BOY jumping and grabbing the vampire by the jacket from behind.

-- Close up of vampire turning around, slowly.

-- Over the shoulder shot of BOYS surprised face as he recoils and lets go of the vampires jacket.



Shotlist minute 1 and 2

Monday 9 May 2011

More shot lists

Shot list for minute 3

shot list for minute 4

Shot lists and Storyboards

This is the shot list for minute 5

this is the shot list for minute 6

this is the shot list for minute 7

These story boards are for minute 5

Thursday 5 May 2011

Trailer ideas - Enna

For my trailer I would like to focus on the boy and his past, I want to show a bit from the past and then all of a sudden change the whole tone of the trailer to a more sinister and sad tone. I will show how the boy is living his life now and his future intentions. I also want to include a short scene with the mother in and some voice over regarding there relationship. I will include both sad and exciting action packed scenes to make it less specific and attract a wider audience.

My shot list 

Trailer Ideas - Mel

For my trailer I would like to focus on some of the background story, to intrigue the audience as to what will happen next. I would like to have shots of the young boy and the Dad to show the connection between them. Also to show the boys feeling after the loss of his father. At the end of my trailer i would like to have a voice over explaining that he wants revenge. In the middle there will be lots of fast snappy shots to make it seem epic. :)

Lighting Practice

This is Emily and she is going to be an actor for our film. She is going to play the mother in the film

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Planning work - Location and actors (Enna - Director)


We have two major locations for our filming, these are quite contrasting in as one is outdoor and the other is indoor. The outdoor one is the woods and is where the majority of our film is going to be set and filmed. The woods I have chosen are situated in Bracote Park, as it is a fairly large area I have taken pictures of quite a few places and later on we can explore on a definite location.

The second location is a bedroom in my house. We needed quite a simple and plane room so I chose a study which a quite bear and empty, expect for a notice board which we will use in our actual filming. We wanted the room to be quite empty to reflect the character and make him appear quite cold.


We have two main actors, these are the vampire, who essentially plays two characters and the boy (the child of the vampire)

Our main vampire is Patrick

The actor who plays the boy to start with, when he is a child is going to be my brother

We have two other actors which we were unable to get pictures of for various reasons. We also require the voice of a girl.